
13U -1st round playoff game COME SUPPORT!!!

Sat, 19 Oct
from 4:30pm to 6:45pm

by Monica Myvett
Posted: about 6 hours ago
Updated: about 6 hours ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/Chicago
Reminder: 30 minutes before
Ends: 06:45pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Adults $10
(13 and up)
Kids $5
(12 and down)

Games will be played on the turf field across the street from the building. Bathrooms are open in the main building.

Please Support The Concession Stands/ There will be no outside food allowed in the building.
Please be prepared to be Hand Wand entering the facility.
All bags will be checked upon entry. (CLEAR BAGS ONLY ENTERED)
Only things allowed in our facility will be water coolers and that will be checked as well.
We would like a safe environment for the kids.
Police Station Headquarters is one block away.

There will be no smoking,vaping,or drinking any alcoholic beverages at any time. Please respect staff as only Rostered ID Players and Coaches are allowed on the field only.


2641 W Harrison St

  • [2024-Oct-18 06:37 AM] Monica Myvett: Updated

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